Saturday, January 26, 2008

Prayer Requests

I thought I would put out some prayer requests of how you can be praying for us and for those we know:

-Brian & Sarah Herr (Grace Community): we were excited that both they and we were going to have our 4th child within a month of each other, but we just found out through their blog that they had a miscarriage. Please pray for faith, grace, and comfort for them as they deal with this difficult loss. They are doing well in faith and grace, but please do lift them to the Lord.

--Strength for Kate during this pregnancy. She's more tired now than she has ever been with any of the pregnancies to date. Also, pray for me to be selfless in my serving of the family, especially her. Dishes, dishes, and more dishes!!

---For our church: land and a building. I believe God is going to provide something soon, but please pray for this provision. I can see how a building could aid us in our ministry to the community with the Gospel. As we wait, also please pray for contentment for us as a leadership team. We want to please God with faith and with patience, waiting upon His timing and plan.



Tuesday, January 22, 2008

10 weeks along!

Hello, all!

Kate had her first appointment with her new OBGYN here in Pittsburgh today. The approximate dating of her due date is August 20th this year. She is about 10 weeks along, the doctor estimated.

All in all, the doctor predicted a pretty normal pregnancy and healthy one at that. He said the possibilities of issues along the way are really not high, especially since Kate gets the award for being the healthiest woman of the year! Not bad for someone who is carrying her 4th child in 4 and a half years. Phew!!

Please continue to pray for her strength, as she is chasing around 3 little ones, 4 and under. The kids are doing well and very excited for the new little one, but don't understand that Mommy needs some rest from time to time. Pray for grace as Kate continues throughout this pregnancy.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

Steelers Season is Over....bummer...

Yes, it is true, we've grown a little fond of the local home team here in Pittsburgh. Unfortunately, they lost last weekend to the Jags.

This weekend, the next team we were rooting for lost: Indy Colts. Kate loves them because she likes the coach, Tony Dungy. :( BUT, one good upside to this weekend: Favre won, and so did the Giants. No Cowboys in the NFC Championship game! Woo=hoo!!!

Well, to better and more important things here. We have recouped somewhat from the holidays and also from some sicknesses that have passed through our family a little bit.

Kate is doing well with the pregnancy so far. Next Monday, she has her appt with her dr out here to see how things are progressing. Yes, just in case you didn't know....we are expecting #4... God is being so good to us, as we couldn't have planned it this way, and also have been given much faith and excitement towards having an additional little one running around us.

JT thinks he's getting a little brother...but we're not sure woudl be nice for him, but we love our girls too!! The Lord will decide what is best for our family. JT will at least be the protector of his little sisters anyway. He's already done some of that already.....but he needs to be better at protecting them from himself!!!

Things are going well here at Providence. We are just finishing up our series on the book of Philippians and are going to head into a series on Evangelism (Pursue and Proclaim), which should start on January 27th. I'm definitely excited about that!

JT and Bethany are doing very well, as is Charity. JT is now counting to 100, and Bethany is getting her alphabet down pretty well. She has some help from watching JT. The other day, she and JT were out on the driveway with sidewalk chalk and Mommy asked JT to write a little note Daddy to see when he arrived home from work. Bethany proceeded to write HI, while JT wrote a little more detailed message. It was such a great thing to see!!!

Kate's pretty much begun homeschooling with JT, as she is teaching him to read. Pretty amazing that he's actually the one initiating this!!!

Well, it's getting a little late in the evening now...

we hope you are all doing very well!

May God's grace found only in Jesus be your steadfast foundation this week and month!

Jeremy for the family