Saturday, February 2, 2008

Willow Valley Bound and a Special Gift!

We're finally going to do it.

Our kids have been wanting to go again, and we've finally made the arrangements to head to Willow Valley this upcoming week. Tomorrow, after church, we'll travel and stay with kate's parents until Monday morning, and then head across the Susquehanna River and go stay at Willow Valley for a few days. The kids are ecstatic, and we are excited too!!

It should be a good family time...

Praise God that we can do something like this! What a blessing!

Speaking of blessings, for weeks, it seems, Bethany was so desirous of going to someone's house who has a 'pretend' microwave. Apparently, over the holidays, she had played with a few of them, and would really like to do it more often. Kate made a 'pretend box' microwave even for her, but that one got used up quite quickly!

But, unbeknownst to us, God had something up His sleeve to bless our little Bethany!
Someone in our church called us out of the blue on Thursday, and asked if we would like their play kitchen set. You guessed it! It includes a 'pretend' microwave. Without knowing our little girl's desire, a family in the church was clearing out their house some, and gave us their kitchen set. You should see Bethany's joy with that thing!!! As Kate put it, "Isn’t that cool that God heard and responded to our little lady’s desire to have a pretend microwave??" So, cool!!!

Thank You Father, for giving good gifts to us Your children, and then to our children as well!!

Till next week, we hope!

