Saturday, March 22, 2008

Names (Boy or Girl until we know for sure)

We're wondering if folks could provide us with some help for the name of this baby. It's not like we'll only go with your suggestions, but we'd like to have a little bit of help on the brainstorming side of things.

So, feel free to add your thoughts on what names you could see matching with the rest of us: Jeremy, Kate, JT (Jeremiah Todd), Bethany Grace, and Charity Kate Hetrick.

We've got a good thing going so far with the names (we've not yet regretted one)...

but if you have some thoughts, feel free to send them to us! Please don't suggest names you might use (for younger couples or singles) some day...and preferably no names that are used for folks we know that are close to us...etc, etc.

Picky picky, we know...but! Thanks for any help you can provide us!

May you know the peace of the Savior this Easter season,

Jeremy for the fam


Susan said...

When I was pregnant with my fourth child (Josh) I stumbled across the name "Tessa." It has the dual meaning of "fourth child" and "one who harvests" (an evangelist!). I think it's such a beautiful, feminine name, but we never got the chance to use it (since God blessed us with our Joshua).

iJosh said...

How's about Earendil?


JennGrover said...

I would like to change my date to August 11th at 2:37 PM. :)

I have always liked Claire.

annie1voice said...

I think Annie Joy would be a great name!!!!!!!! You already have Grace and Charity... why not add some Joy?? And Annie? Well, I think that speaks for itself!! :)
Aunt Annie